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Car Maintenance Tasks You Should Do Early Spring
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Spring season is finally here and most people are already working hard on spring cleaning projects as they try to declutter and clean up their homes after the long winter. Cleaning your home and work environment is very good for your health and for keeping these buildings in good condition. But it is not just these assets that require your attention.

Your car also needs a little bit of TLC to help it cope better with the environmental changes. In this guide, we are going to take a look at all of the important car maintenance tasks that you should tend to in early spring.

Inspect the Air Conditioner

Spring in Melbourne isn’t nearly as hot as summer but can still be quite brutal. The best way to prepare for the extra heat is by ensuring that your air conditioner is in good working condition. Turn the air conditioner on and let it run for a while to test if it cools down the cabin efficiently. If it isn’t turning on or if it isn’t cooling properly then there could be an electronic issue or your air conditioner can be out of gas. If your air conditioner is pumping a lot of dust into your cabin then you should also get it properly cleaned before using it. 

Replace the Windshield Wipers

Melbourne receives a lot more rainfall during spring than in wintertime. Those wiper blades might not have been used for quite some time and need to be inspected for cracks, bends or warps. Test your wiper blades to see if they are still in good condition and switch up the blades if they are all worn out so you can see clearly when driving in the rain.

Check Plugs and Batteries

It is always a good idea to test your car batteries after a winter. The cold temperatures slow down the chemical reaction inside batteries which makes them a lot weaker. This is why so many older batteries tend to give out during wintertime. Check your battery and car plugs to see if everything is still in good condition. If you notice any issues or if your battery is a bit old then it might be a good idea to get it tested by a professional mechanic.

Schedule Your Car Service

When is the last time your car was serviced? Vehicles need to be serviced at least once a year or every 10,000 kilometres. Skipping your car services can result in mechanical failures. Check your vehicle log book to see if you are due for a service and make a booking at your mechanic if it is due.

Check the Brakes

Pay attention to your brakes the next time you drive your car. If you notice any strange noises or jerky movements when you hit the brake pedal then the brake pads are likely worn down and need to be replaced.

Check Your Lights

Regular light inspections can be a lifesaver if you are driving during night time. Inspect all of your lights to see if they are still in good condition. You can also give your headlights a good clean and add a layer of polish to protect them so they won’t fade in the sun. If you notice any dead light bulbs or if the indicator lights are flickering too fast then you should take your car to a mechanic.

If you notice anything off about your car when doing these inspections then you should give Kendon Auto Electrical & Mechanical a call. These mechanics help with a wide range of vehicle issues like repairs, roadworthy certificates, logbook services, and much more and will ensure that your ride is ready to drive despite the warmer weather. 

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